Category: Blog

First Omaha Farmers Market 2015 — LOTS of rain & tiny haul

Yeah It’s a tiny video I know. It’s a tradition for us now to go to the first market of the season, rain or shine! We needed the rain so I’m not mad but I think It’ll take like a week to dry out my shoes. Plus you get to see the elusive husband, what a smile.

For my tiny haul I got:

6 pound jar (1/2 gallon) raw local honey – $30 plus $2 jar deposit
6 bunches MASSIVE onions – $4.50
meat sticks – $5 (we bought 3 pieces)
Candied jalapenoes – $6

Total: $47.50

Eh a little high when I think about it, but we needed the honey.

Have a great day everyone!


S.M.A.R.T : Tomatoes Week – Bruschetta

So for this weeks SMART meal we were given the topic of tomatoes, wonderful! Tomatoes are such a versatile fruit to use in just about everything from curry, to condiments. Let’s not forget the old stand-by of pasta sauce, but my favorite way to eat tomatoes is raw. About a month ago I did a recipe on bruschetta and I knew I had to make it again because it’s just that tasty.
In total this cost me about $6.00 to make and you could easily get 6 servings, making it only $1.00 a serving.

For the original recipe go to: HERE
The only variation between this and that is I didn’t have fresh parsley this time, so instead I used some dried oregano. Would have been better with some fresh basil or parsley, but sometimes we need to make due without.

S.M.A.R.T : Tacos Week (Faylina’s Vegan Tacos)

So for this weeks SMART meal we were given the topic of tacos. YAY! I love eating tacos, they’re a great way to full up on healthy carbs and tons of fresh vegetables. Although these aren’t my typical tacos, I found they were still super tasty and amazing.
Best of all, this WHOLE meal (including the leftovers) only cost me… you ready for it?…: $11.00! Sure that seems like a lot, but you must figure I’ll get probably 6 meals out of this for my husband and myself so that breaks down to only $1.83 per meal. Not bad at all.
I used:
A homemade multi-grain flour tortilla – click HERE for my recipe
homemade re-fried pinto beans
romaine lettuce
green bell pepper
spring onions
medium spicy salsa

For two of these tacos I calculated 1220 calories. That may seem like alot however I skipped lunch, oops!

How could I have improved them? Well, nothing beats fresh tomatoes on a taco, unfortunately since its the end of the month I already ate most of my produce, and what was left (2 romas) went bad to the point I couldn’t trim the bad bits so we had to toss them. Never-fear, this is why I keep salsa in the fridge. I also really like olives on my tacos, I’m not sure why It was just something I was raised with. I know that’s not traditional, but I still like them. I think next time I have tacos I’ll get some from the olive bar at Whole Foods. All in all, this meal was freaking amazing. I was so full after two tacos and the cron-o-meter showed I received almost 100% of my vitamins and minerals. Oh yeah, talk about healthy and delicious!

Better yet, I had left-overs for my husband’s lunch. I packaged the vegetables and salsa in a seperate container than the tortilla shells and pinto beans. That way he can warm up the beans without cooking the veggies, and the shells stay fresh and not soggy.
Don’t know what smart is? Click HERE for my explanation of it.

New Login ability UPDATE! ^.^

so for awhile now I have had comments on private, and while I still am going to do this. (spam bots are crazy guys) I have now made it so you can integrate my website with your facebook login. Now commenting is super easy. In the right hand corner on the side you’ll see a familar button to signup with facebook.

Q: What if I already signed up?
A: Well if you’ve already signed up and want to continue using that, feel free. Just type in your current information and log in. If you want to use facebook instead, click connect to facebook.
Q:  Is my information secure?
A: YES! I don’t see your email or anything else. Don’t worry.

Q: Why should I waste my time?
A: Well I don’t think its a waste of time, but you’ll be doing a couple things. One, you’ll get to leave comments and talk with other people who find my website helpful. Two, you will be helping me by getting the word out there I exist. I don’t pay for advertising or anything so my website grows by word of mouth. Three, logging in will be a ton more easier. If after these three you haven’t found anything, maybe this isn’t for you.


05/21/2011 – “Doomsday” @ the farmers market! Yummerz <3

I dare you to think of how you’d want to spend your last day on Earth. While I never believed the “DoomsDay” hype, I still thought it was even more reason to go out and enjoy life. My step son was with me for the weekend so we decided to hit up the local farmers market. We got there plenty early and walked around and chatted with all the vendors. Its so great to visit with the people who grow your food, they’re usually kind people with lots to say. Once 8am rolled around it was buy buy. We purchased bok choy, radishes, spring onions, swiss chard, mint, lots of tomatoes, eggs, & more. My step son had a wonderful time, we ate enchilladas from a local place, zipped fresh made lemonade, & enjoyed life to the best.

If local food wasn’t fun enough, we then went to the local park. We played on the slides for quiet awhile, then walked around the wildlife refuge. The swans, koi fish, and various art pieces are so beautiful, we could stare at them all day! Sadly though we were both a little tired, having not slept the best the night before. So we went home, finished off our video and called it quits. Relaxing infront of the computer, playing a game together.

Our night closed with the entire family coming together to go see “Tron©” in theaters. It was an awesome movie and the kids really loved it!

I dare you to think of a better day on earth than family, friends, good food, and fun.

see you later, bye guys! <3
-Faylina & Cain