Tag: cheerios

Vegan Grocery Haul – 08/06/2012

So today I did some grocery shopping and wanted to share it with you guys. I did not shoot a grocery haul video for my produce purchases this week, however, I did want to share my “staples” haul. What do I mean by “staples haul”? Well, these things are dry goods like grain, beans, pastas, etc. That you can stock up on. When you read this list please keep in mind this is a 4 or more week stock of these supplies, some of them will last 2 months or more, so it just depends.

My total for this haul was $129.68 and it was split between two places, here is the breakdown of each place.

Trader Joe’s:

3 bags of brown rice fusilli pasta,organic, $1.99 ea
3 half gallons of TJ almond milk, $2.99 ea
1 half gallon of TJ coconut milk, $2.99 ea
1 19 ounce package organic TJ tofu, $1.69 ea
1 box TJ Joe O’s (like Cheerios) $2.99 ea
1 bottle of organic ketchup $1.99
2 bags of corn spaghetti, $1.39 ea
1 box of TJ bran cereal $1.99 ea
1 HUGE cucumber ,organic 79¢ ea
1 16oz bag frozen kale, $1.79ea
1 160z bag frozen strawberries $1.69 ea
1 16oz jar raw unsalted almond butter $4.99 ea
1 bag brown rice spaghetti pasta ,organic $1.99 ea
1 bag whole wheat fusilli pasta ,organic $1.39 ea
1 160z bag organic seedless raisins, $2.99 ea
total spent: $45.00 even

Whole foods:

4.75lbs organic spelt berries, $9.45
1.92lb organic buckwheat groats, $5.16
3.10lb organic hard white wheat berries, $3.69
2.15lb organic old fashion thick cut oats, $2.99
.02lbs (2 small pieces) ginger chew candy, 12¢ (whenever Daniel and myself go to Whole Foods we get these ginger chews in the bulk bin, 1 each, its always a nice treat!)
.72lb organic wheat bran, $1.00
1.66lb organic garbanzo/chick peas $4.47
7.01lb organic steel cut oats, $9.74
1.97lb organic rye berries, $2.34
1.03lb organic hulled millet $1.74
1 bag unsalted corn chips $2.99
1 32oz bottle organic maple syrup, $19.99 (my big spender item, in a couple months when I need more I’m going to try the TJ brand)
.33lb olives, $3.63
.47lb wasabi peas, $2.35
4 1lb bag non-gmo corn, $1.29 ea
1 1lb bag non-gmo peas, $1.29 ea
1 bag Daiya shredded pepper jack cheese, $4.69 ea
1 large organic French baguette , $1.99 ea
.29lb organic wild rice, $1.74
.25 organic raw wheat germ 25¢
-10¢ for bag refund
Total spent: $84.68

(click link to show recipe, first is whole foods, second is trader joes, keep in mind my card information has been blocked out)