Tag: breakfast

Blueberry Maple Syrup

Blueberry Maple Syrup
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Traditional fruit sauces take a long time boiling and reducing and frankly we don't have the time in the morning these days. This took less than 10 minutes and was better than a traditional sauce. The thin version really absorbs into the pancakes but the thick version is oh-so gourmet looking that it will really impress your family and friends.
Recipe type: Breakfast
Cuisine: American
Serves: 1 cup
  • 1 cup frozen blueberries - small varieties suggested
  • ½ cup maple syrup
  • ¼-1/2 cup water
  • optional - 1 teaspoon tapioca starch mixed with 2 teaspoon water
  1. In a nonstick skillet, preheat it over medium high heat until a drop of water sizzles away almost immediately.
  2. Add in 1 cup of frozen blueberries (fresh can be used but wash them very well and pick out any hard bits) and stir until the berries release their juices and are thawed. This only takes about 1 - 1½ minutes. The object isn't to cook them through and squish them but just to thaw them. Add in your ½ cup of REAL maple syrup, no pancake syrup please.
  3. Let this bubble for about 90 seconds, you just want to heat through the syrup. Then add your water, I added about ⅓ of a cup but you can add less or more. This thins it out so it's not super strong plus helps stretch your budget a little, you could skip this if you want.
  4. At this point you could stop and serve and it would taste amazing but it's thin and won't really thicken until cooled. I suggest taking a mixture of 1 teaspoon tapioca (cornstarch would work but you'll have to boil it harder) and 2 teaspoons water, mix well and turn off the heat.
  5. Add in this tapioca mixture and stir until you notice it really get thick. You'll want to stir about 2 minutes in total just to make sure you get no lumps.
  6. You should notice all the white disappear and it will resemble a nice jam in texture. At this point you're done!
Serve warm on-top of pancakes, I suggest my No Oil Vegan Whole Wheat Pancakes OR serve cold on-top of toast like a blueberry Jam (if you want to just make this a Jam, triple the amount of tapioca mixture).
Nutrition Information
Serving size: ¼ cup Calories: 131 Fat: 0 Saturated fat: 0 Unsaturated fat: 0 Trans fat: 0 Carbohydrates: 33 Sugar: 27 Sodium: 4 Fiber: 1 Protein: 0 Cholesterol: 0

Gluten Free Pancakes – veganizeable

Pancakes in my house is one of our favorite breakfast foods. So when trying to eliminate gluten, I was on the quest to make the perfect gluten free pancake, and I think I finally have! These pancakes are light and fluffy like the real thing and freeze very well for later use. I also think you could use this as a waffle batter! This recipe doesn’t have much sugar in it because that’s how we like it, but if you need to add more, then add more, keeping in mind you’ll probably use maple syrup.


1 1/2 cups all purpose gluten free flour – I suggest using my recipe click HERE for the recipe or use any store bought brand
1 tablespoon egg replacement powder – I suggest using my recipe click HERE for the recipe, I cannot guarantee other brands work as good
1 cup nondairy milk (I used unsweetened almond milk)
2 whole eggs  (flax seeds can be used for vegan version 2 tablespoons ground flax + 6 tablespoons hot water, let sit 5 minutes)
1 1/2 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons sugar
1/4 – 1/2 cup water as needed for texture

a very good nonstick skillet is highly suggested


Mix all the ingredients in a bowl except water, stir well. Let set 3-5 minutes to allow it to thicken slightly, then adjust thickness with water. A thinner pancake is fluffier and vice verse, so do this to your taste.

In a nonstick pan set to medium, cook approximately 2 minutes or until surface is covered in lots of bubbles. Flip and cook approxomately 2 more minutes or until golden and center has set. Serve warm.

PLEASE TAKE NOTE: If you are making this and cooking for someone with gluten allergies or celiacs disease. Make sure to purchase ingredients that are certified gluten free, and clean your utensils very well. Better safe than sorry.

Prep time: about 5 minutes Cook time: Approx 4 minutes per pancake Makes 8-10 pancakes
Allergies: eggs* (use vegan version if needed)
This recipe is safe for those on a gluten free diet and vegan diet (if suggestions are followed).

Here is a time saving tip:  Instead of spending a small fortune on frozen pre-made pancakes, double or triple this recipe and store in a zip lock bags with wax paper between each pancake. You can reuse both the bag and the wax paper many times.

(Nutritional information assumes you’re using my recipes, whole eggs, unsweetened almond milk, variations in recipe will affect calories:)

Cooking 101 Beginner : Quick & Easy Basic Honey Granola

Making homemade granola these days is not selective to hippies guys! I love to make granola and other breakfast treats all the time and its super simple, but best of all, you tend to save tons of money! What could honestly be better than that. If you have 30-35 minutes, granola is easily within your reach. This recipe is also very basic, you can add 1/2 cup crushed up nuts or seeds (flax and walnut is a great combination), you can toss in dried fruits when the granola is done or you can leave it plain for sprinkling ontop of yogurt. (that’s what I like to do! =)


4 cups old fashioned oats (not oat groats, not quick cooking oats, not steel cut oats)
1/4 cup olive oil
pinch salt (optional)
1 T vanilla extract (use the good stuff, you’ll thank yourself later)
1 T evaporated cane sugar or raw sugar
1 /4 cup + 1 tablespoon honey  (5 tablespoons total)  (use maple syrup for vegan version)
2 tablespoons water


Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (180 degrees Celsius).

In a large bowl add in everything except the oats. Mix well. Add your oats 1 cup at a time and stir well. (don’t be afraid to use your hands, it really works best) After you have all your oats mixed in, let it sit for a couple minutes. 2-5 minutes is a long enough, very easy to do while your oven preheats.

Once your oven is preheated, take a full sheet pan and evenly spread your oat mixture on it. Pop it in the oven for 15 minutes.

(Above photo is granola mix about to go into the oven)

After 15 minutes take the pan out of the oven and stir/flip the oats with a flat spatula. Put it back in the oven for 15 more minutes.

(Above photo is granola mix after 15 minutes in the oven)Take the granola out of the oven again and stir.

(Above photo is granola after 30 minutes, some dark bits and perfect for me)
Depending on your personal taste you can stop now. If you want it darker, continue cooking in 5 minute intervuls instead you reach your desired doneness.

Prep time: 2-5 minutes  Cook time: 30-40 minutes Serves: 4 cups
allergies: honey***, oats**
**Can be gluten-free if you make sure you purchase gluten free oats!
***vegan friendly if you it without honey, maple syrup instead.

And you’re done! See how easy that was. You now have a healthy breakfast treat that costs next to nothing to make and little time spent. A traditional basica granola in a health food store costs $4.99 a pound, YIKES! However, this granola only cost me :

Oats: 53¢
olive oil: 25¢
salt & Sugar: 5¢
vanilla (homemade): 5¢ (store bought would be more like 40¢)
honey: 45¢
Water: free (my water bill is paid)

If we total that up we’re looking at a grand total of….  $1.33 for 4 cups of granola. Talk about saving money. That’s an approx savings of  $8.50! Even if you add in nuts and seeds, you will still save money compared to the granola at the health food store.  Assuming you used 1/4 cup of both flax seeds and walnuts and they were organic, you’re still only looking at about 1.50-2.00 more dollars. Oh and all the above ingredients were purchased organic except my homemade vanilla (purchased many years ago before I cared about organic, and bought in bulk. I got 5 pounds for only 25.00!)

I hope you will try this easy granola and let me know in the comments what YOU would put with it. Me personally, I enjoy my granola with some unsweetened almond milk or on-top of organic Greek yogurt with fresh seasonal fruits, yum yum!

Fresh Tomatoe Salsa ( tomatoes el fresco ) , gluten free & raw vegan friendly

This fresh tomato (tomatoe) salsa or tomatoes el fresco, is a staple in my house when tomatoes are in season! Its great on eggs, salads, fresh chips, you could even eat it by itself if you wanted! The possiblities are nearly endless with this dish. As if it couldn’t get better, this is a super fast, simple, and CHEAP budget friendly recipe that is not only gluten free, but raw vegan friendly. So lets make this tasty salsa!


1.5lbs of your favorite tomatoes, I used romas & yellow grape, but any will work
1/2c – 1 1/2c chopped onion
2 tablespoons raw olive oil
5-10 grinds black pepper
1/2tsp or to taste good quality salt, I suggest pink salt
1 bunch fresh cilantro or 2 tablespoons dried parsley ( I used dried parsley, however fresh cilantro is more traditional)
***Optional: other items as desired to taste, I suggest bell peppers, hot minched peppers, etc***


Wash your tomatoes well and cut just the very top stem part off. Slice your tomatoes into your desired size and add to a bowl. I choose not to seed or devein my tomatoes because I want the liquid from the inside to marinade with the salsa, however you can choose to seed them & adjust your seasoning accordingly. Slice your onions up and add to the bowl. Add your olive oil, sprinkle with salt, black pepper, herbs, and any additional toppings as desired.
Toss well with your hands, being careful not to squish your tomatoes.
Set your salsa on the counter for 10 minute, then store in the fridge a minimum of 8-12 hours before using for best flavor. This salsa will stay fresh in the refridgerator for 1-2 weeks!

Makes: approx. 4 cups prepared, Preparation: 15 minutes + 8-12 hours in fridge *for best flavor* (nutritional information shown is for 1 cup salsa)

dietary notes: this recipe is raw vegan friendly & gluten free

Chocolate Banana Granola

NOTE: This is a re-post of an OLD recipe from 2009-2010 on my old wordpress blog before I got my own domain. Since I like this recipe. I have transferred it here. Any images marked with faylinameir.wordpress.com are still property of www.faylinameir.com and myself.

original date: January 27th, 2012 at 5:16am

Chocolate Banana Granola


3 cups oats, soaked
2 ounces nuts (soaking optional), chopped
3 bananas
3 tablespoons ground cocoa
1/2 teaspoon oil
sweetener, optional & to taste


In a blender, (or food processor) blend the bananas together with the ground cocoa, oil, and if needed the sweetener of your choice. When mixture is smooth, dump into a bowl with your oats, and nuts. Mix thoroughly. Place in your dehydrator at 110 degree for 12-20 hours.About 6-8 hours in, go ahead and break up the granola, this not only helps in drying but helps in the final product. The time depends on your environment, so after 12 hours, start checking, if you think it needs more time then give it more time.

I personally prefer almonds, cashews, and pecans in this recipe, but the nuts are your choice. Optionally you could use seeds instead of nuts, sunflower or pumpkin are my personal favorites. Enjoy!

Makes: 3 cups granola, Preparation time: 2mins, Cooking time: 12 – 20 hours

Nutritional Breakdown.
Serving size 1/2 cup

(click photo for full size, rather big, but detailed as usual!)